In 2023, the City of Atlanta outpaced all metro area counties in population growth and is now the largest it’s ever been. Despite the media narrative of chaos and decline, urban centers across the country have rebounded quickly from the pandemic and are poised for further growth.
Trees: Taking Up Space Since 385 Million B.C.
While evidence showing the benefits of trees continues to mount, urban and suburban areas are losing tree cover at an alarming rate. In debating the removal of trees in urban areas, let’s not forget why we like living in Atlanta.
Transit-Oriented Development Can Put A Stop to Metro Atlanta's Growing Pains
Density doesn’t have to be a bad word. Allowing more people to live in strategic and desirable areas in closer proximity to one another doesn’t necessarily mean turning all parts of the region into Manhattan. While we aren’t talking about San Francisco or New York levels of density, we are talking about raising the density levels in certain parts of the region to something a little less Mayberry and a little more DC or Seattle.
When Land Use Codes Attack: How a 1970's Ordinance is Challenging the Supreme Court to Define The Property A Government Can Take
The waters of the St. Croix River serve as the boundary between Minnesota and Wisconsin for 125 miles prior to emptying into the Mississippi River just south of Minneapolis and eventually the Gulf […]