We’ll likely see an increase in the number of poorer suburban communities. While Cobb and North Fulton will still have enclaves of wealthier residents, they will increasingly become the destination of lower-income individuals when they are priced out of the walkable Atlanta area. While quality-of-life is an issue even for wealthier residents in auto-centric communities, it is much more of a problem for their poorer residents. Try getting to the grocery store or your job when you don’t have a car and your community doesn’t support sidewalks or alternative transportation. While sitting in traffic on the way to work is stressful, having no transportation options to safely get to that place of work is arguably more stressful.
Rezoning Sex in the City
Dictating what people can and can’t do with their property is perhaps one of the most controversial forms of regulation, particularly at the local level. Most generally agree that factories should not be located next to schools, but once we go beyond the more obvious incompatible uses the topic can become quite heated. Throw in the touchy subject of adult entertainment and the debate escalates to new levels.
Tybee Island Provides Useful Examples of Good Urban Design
Aside from being a geographically small city, Tybee creates walkability through a grid network of narrow, shared streets. Additionally, most streets on Tybee eschew the implementation of sidewalks. The narrow streets encourage slow driving and the lack of sidewalks requires pedestrians to be in the street. The shared street concept requires drivers to be more cautious, which produces a more relaxed street atmosphere that increases accessibility for walkers and cyclists.
Transit-Oriented Development Can Put A Stop to Metro Atlanta's Growing Pains
Density doesn’t have to be a bad word. Allowing more people to live in strategic and desirable areas in closer proximity to one another doesn’t necessarily mean turning all parts of the region into Manhattan. While we aren’t talking about San Francisco or New York levels of density, we are talking about raising the density levels in certain parts of the region to something a little less Mayberry and a little more DC or Seattle.
Live Free or Park in Reverse
To start off, we should address one of the claims by Eugene: that the state of New Hampshire should not be in the business of telling people what to do because its motto is “Live free or die.” Although clearly intended to be humorous, Eugene’s interpretation of the motto is philosophically lacking. Freedom is not always encouraged by doing whatever you want whenever you want.
The Death of the American South
This is a re-post of an article published on August 19, 2014. It’s one of our most viewed articles as well as one of our most consistently relevant articles. In it we […]
When Lighting The Streets Makes Us Lose Our Sight
This is an update/re-post of an article titled “Want to See the Milky Way and Live in the Eastern Time Zone? Good Luck” published back in 2013. That article, re-printed below, advocated […]
In Rejecting MARTA Expansion, North Fulton Hands Atlanta a Major Gift
Atlanta is set to take a major step forward in creating desirable development while North Fulton and the rest of the northern suburbs continue along the path of roads and traffic. After the […]