The new SustainAtlanta Weather+Climate page is dedicated to giving readers a better understanding of how the day-to-day weather fits into the overall regional climate picture. For instance, while Atlanta is experiencing above-average rainfall this year, northern Georgia is experiencing severe to extreme drought conditions. This is important since rainfall in northern Georgia has a huge impact on how water is distributed throughout the state.

Chart 1: PDSI Values for Jan 1, 2017 – July 31, 2017
Despite our relatively mild summer, the State of Georgia is experiencing its second warmest year on record (see chart below). Similarly, Atlanta hasn’t experienced any heat waves this summer, but the city’s yearly average temperature is still well-above normal (see chart on Weather+Climate page). That’s largely due to a very warm winter and daily low temperatures consistently remaining above normal low levels.
The existing charts and graphs on the page will updated on a monthly basis to reflect new data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, but we will be adding new charts and information all the time. The Climate+Weather tab can be found at the top of every page, but you can also find quick monthly rainfall and temperature data on the left hand side of the homepage.
Categories: Atlanta, Beyond Atlanta, Environment, Featured, Maps/GIS, Weather and Climate