A new revision to the Clean Water Act pits private property rights against clean water and makes us question whether we should just prevent pollution in the first place.
A new revision to the Clean Water Act pits private property rights against clean water and makes us question whether we should just prevent pollution in the first place.
Three years after Tybee Island business owners objected to a proposed plastic bag ban and the Georgia Senate passed a bill prohibiting cities from adopting such bans, the nation’s largest grocer said it will eliminate plastic bags from all its stores.
While evidence showing the benefits of trees continues to mount, urban and suburban areas are losing tree cover at an alarming rate. In debating the removal of trees in urban areas, let’s not forget why we like living in Atlanta.
Above-average temperatures often occur when people don’t notice or care, such as at night or in the winter months. Add in the fact that the year ended with colder-than-average weather and it’s easy to overlook the warmth of 2017.
We’re still waiting on a decision in the Florida v. Georgia waters wars case and it will finally arrive on Wednesday morning after the Supreme Court added two additional days to issue opinions. Back in January when Florida and Georgia made their arguments to the Court, several justices appeared sympathetic to Florida. Meanwhile, in a brief on the matter, Atlanta asserted that the Supreme Court shouldn’t even attempt to help Florida because the benefits of the environment are often too vague to be valued.
While Atlanta is experiencing a wetter-than-average year, northern Georgia is experiencing severe to extreme drought conditions. This is just one example of how conditions in one part of the state may not be indicative of the larger local or regional climate. The new SustainAtlanta Weather+Climate page is dedicated to giving readers a better understanding of how the day-to-day weather fits into the overall regional climate picture.
The first half of 2017 was far and away the hottest such time period of any year in 123 years of record keeping in the Southeast. Don’t let a lack of heat waves or a senator with a snowball deflect from the overwhelming evidence of a global and regional warming trend.
“Finally, please settle this blasted thing. I can guarantee at least one of you will be unhappy with my recommendation and, perhaps, both of you. You can’t both be winners. But you […]