Dedicated pay-to-use lanes do alleviate traffic, but the benefits are significantly skewed towards the wealthy. We continue to spend billions of taxpayer dollars on HOT lanes while endlessly debating the funding of an actual necessity: transit.
Weekly Links: The EPA Loves the NHL, Snow Leads to Better Urban Design, and Atlanta’s World-Class Traffic
A weekly roundup of interesting stories from around the country. The National Hockey League is not just one of the biggest buyers of green energy among sports leagues, but among all US companies. Philadelphia created better designed streets simply by looking at where cars drive in the snow. And a stress-relieving simulation of traffic moving through various types of intersections.
Weekly Links: The Psychedelic Cities of Space, Atlanta in Danger of Losing Its City in the Forest Nickname, and the Story of How LA Traffic Got to be so un-Dude-Like
Will this remote village in Alaska be the first victim of sea level rise? From PRI: “In 2008, the Inupiat village sued 24 of the world’s biggest fossil fuel companies for damages. In […]
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The five points area of Athens needs to fix a number of problems in order to be a great pedestrian neighborhood. Some of these fixes are more intensive and require changes in […]