Category: Uncategorized

Uber Says It Can’t Be Regulated Because NYC Is Bad At Urban Planning

This week, New York wants to cap ridesharing vehicles to reduce traffic congestion, but Uber claims it’s immune from regulation because New York is bad at urban planning. If only that logic worked for the rest of us. Also, Los Angeles thinks it’s found a way to store excess solar and wind energy – by harnessing the power of the Hoover Dam. Plus, the story of the property in Manhattan that’s the size of a pizza slice and London could have had a futuristic pod system built on top of the Thames.

Live Free or Park in Reverse

To start off, we should address one of the claims by Eugene: that the state of New Hampshire should not be in the business of telling people what to do because its motto is “Live free or die.” Although clearly intended to be humorous, Eugene’s interpretation of the motto is philosophically lacking. Freedom is not always encouraged by doing whatever you want whenever you want.