As the city formerly known as Terminus and currently known as the “Capital of the South,” Atlanta is interesting in that it lacks a grand central rail station offering local and regional […]
Atlanta's Defunct-By-Court-Order Street Vendor Ordinance Raises Serious First Amendment Concerns
“As a last resort, I said, “I thought we were on the public sidewalk here.” He smiled a wry smile and took me by the arm to the street side of the […]
Approved Selig Development Looks Nothing Like Downtown Athens And That's Okay
On June 6 the Athens-Clarke County Planning Commission unanimously approved the massive downtown Selig project. Though the development will no longer feature a Walmart, it will still contain a Walmarts-worth of commercial […]
Is Passenger Rail Service Between Athens and Atlanta Finally Happening?
Apparently plans are underway to construct high-speed rail (HSR) between Atlanta and Charlotte. Though HSR between the two cities is only in the initial planning phases, a huge decision needs to be […]
Surveillance in the City
The Atlantic Cities recently ran an article highlighting all the great things about the new streetlights being used in Chattanooga, TN. The LED streetlights are more efficient and save the city money, […]
You Wanted A Hit
The five points area of Athens needs to fix a number of problems in order to be a great pedestrian neighborhood. Some of these fixes are more intensive and require changes in […]
street art: part one
Cross-posted at To more sufficiently deliver my harangue on commissioned street art, I harvested a few barrels of input and fermented some complex strains of perspective. Do note that when I […]
Mass Shootings and Subway Deaths
Its hard not to make the connection between mass shootings and random people being pushed to their deaths on subway platforms. Tonight in New York a second person within the past month […]