A curious map reader may notice an unusually rectangular piece of green land just north of Atlanta and just west of Lake Lanier in the foothills of the North Georgia mountains. Aside […]
Atlanta Joins America's Largest Cities in Rapid Population Growth
America’s big cities continue to outpace the overall nation in population growth and Atlanta is no slouch. Several months ago the US Census Bureau released official 2013 population estimates for counties, which […]
The US Supreme Court Likely Won't Solve the Southeast Water Wars, But It Could Be the Catalyst Needed for Actual Progress
This is the second part of a four part piece on the ongoing Tri-State Water Wars. This part focuses on why a Supreme Court decision will ultimately prove to be an inadequate solution. […]
How We Use Water in the Southeast Will Now Be Determined By the US Supreme Court
This is just to name the major legal players. Countless other people are impacted by how water is allocated in the ACF Basin, though they may not have legal standing to bring suit. The waters have extensive recreational and aesthetic value, which serve both economic and emotional purposes. The unpredictable flow of the Chattahoochee River and rise and fall of Lake Lanier hurts the economic interest of adjacent landowners and recreational outfitters. Countless individuals use the waters of the ACF Basin for boating, fishing, and other recreational purposes. These are just the economic uses. An un-quantifiable value lies in the sheer beauty of the area. People buy and rent homes in the area for the aesthetic value. People hike, bird-watch, and camp in the area for the aesthetic value. These incidental users have largely been reduced to the sidelines as state leaders continually fail to reach compromise.
Case Watch: Will the Georgia Supreme Court Uphold the Point of the Erosion and Sedimentation Act?
Case Watch is a new piece that will highlight ongoing legal battles over land use, environmental, and development issues in Georgia (and occasionally throughout the country). What’s the point of the controlling sedimentation and […]
The Death of the American South
Over the next 45 years rapid urban sprawl will dramatically affect the American Southeast, possibly altering the very essence of what the South represents both socially and environmentally. The South, for many […]
Atlanta is Suddenly a Top 10 Walkable US City; Really?
Atlanta is one of the most walkable cities in America? Really? According to a recent report by George Washington University research professor Christopher Leinberger Atlanta is the 8th (of 30 major […]
Bees in the City: Is Your Urban Apiary Illegal?
Updated 24-Feb-2018. Despite a Georgia law that appears to prohibit local governments from regulating backyard honeybee-keeping, some municipalities are passing ordinances that restrict aspects of backyard beekeeping. While honeybees have gained a mainstream following, our local native bees are the hero pollinators that deserve much more love.