This the third installment of a weekly segment looking at the bills being introduced in the Georgia Assembly that involve land use, environmental, and transportation issues. Please see the 2015 Legislative Session page for ongoing […]
The Second Week. Take the Money and Run: The Georgia House Channels Its Inner Steve Miller to Fund Transportation
The Georgia Assembly reconvened last Monday for their second week of the current legislative session. The major juggernaut of last week was the introduction of the House’s plan to fund transportation projects […]
Georgia Aims to Bring Solar Energy to a Neighborhood Near You
Last week Representative Mike Dudgeon introduced a bill designed to dramatically increase the availability of solar energy equipment to the average person. The Georgia Legislature was in recess last week, so instead of […]
The First Week. Georgia Legislature Gears Up For Fight to Take Tennessee River
The Georgia Legislature officially began their 2015 session this past Monday and so begins a weekly series of posts highlighting the significant land use/development/transportation bills being introduced. The media certainly does a good job […]
A Proposed Reform to Georgia's Beer Laws Could Also Be Great for Neighborhood Revitalization
The Atlanta craft beer scene is getting excited about the possibility of a proposed bill that would ask the Georgia Legislature to make significant changes to the state’s daft and antiquated beer distribution laws. Currently, breweries are […]
The US Supreme Court Likely Won't Solve the Southeast Water Wars, But It Could Be the Catalyst Needed for Actual Progress
This is the second part of a four part piece on the ongoing Tri-State Water Wars. This part focuses on why a Supreme Court decision will ultimately prove to be an inadequate solution. […]
Zoning a Major Burden on Atlanta Theatre Groups
This is re-post of an article originally titled “Local Theatre Groups Need a Zoning Change” posted on June 15, 2013. A recent story by the Washington, DC blog Greater Greater Washington highlighted […]
Social Engineering and Transit-Oriented Development: The Rhetoric That Keeps Atlanta From Progressing
As the Atlanta streetcar officially opened on Tuesday, it seems like a good time to address thoughts and ideas being expressed in the mainstream local media concerning transit and development in between […]